Dear Parents,
Many apologies for taking a while to get this summer newsletter out! Welcome to all our families – new, continuing, and returning.  We have a wonderful group of children for our summer session and are enjoying getting to know one another.  A new mix of children always invigorates us with the possibilities of new interests, talents, and friendships.

We are excited as we plan for the upcoming summer months. Throughout the summer various activities will be set out each day with children of all ages in mind.  Teachers are always enthusiastic for our change in curriculum format for the summer.  Preparing activity centers for in-depth exploration based on interests rather than ages seems to allow for new creative energy and limitless ideas.

We started June off with some water and sand experiences and have been having a great time with our the new load of sand that has renewed our sand box. We are now very excited about creating functional toys and play materials using cardboard. We are starting with small cardboard houses to use with puppets of ourselves and friends. Also on the list of items are a marble run, treehouse, race car track and castle and dragons. We will see if anymore ideas pop up! If the cardboard creations don’t occupy us for the summer we plan to explore color, light and shadow in a variety of ways.
We may take an occasional walk around the block, a walk to Pioneer Elementary School’s playground, or a walk to the rock park 5 blocks East of us on Simpson Street for a morning of outdoor activities.  Watch the front door for notes regarding when we might leave the building. We hope you enjoy your summer with us.

SUNSCREEN  – Feel free to apply sunscreen to children before they arrive at school. We have sunscreen and will reapply it throughout the day.  If your child needs a specific brand, please send it  (labeled with your child’s name) and with a signed note indicating this is your preference. We use Banana Boat #50 and Blue Lizard #30.

Summer sun and hot days mean we will get wet, to stay cool.  Please leave a change of clothing for your children in their cubbies. Also, please send a swimsuit to leave at school

Tornado Emergency Plans       June is typically our stormiest month – and we need to be prepared for any emergency.  We have emergency plans posted at the front door.  Should there be a tornado watch, where we are asked to seek shelter, we will take the children downstairs to our cellar where we have blankets, flashlights, water and stuffed animals.  You might need to have our cell phone numbers in case of such an emergency.  They are:   Janet – 303-818-4842 Sandy – 720-220-2187

Vacation schedules –   Please let staff know, when possible, of times that your child will not be attending.  This will help us in our staff scheduling as well as letting children know when their special friends are returning after vacations. ______________________________________________________
Wednesday JULY 4 INDEPENDENCE DAY – School closed