June 2015 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Welcome to all our families – new, continuing, and returning. We have a wonderful group of children for our summer session and are enjoying getting to know one another. A new mix of children always invigorates us with the possibilities of new interests, talents, and friendships. We are excited as we plan for the upcoming summer months. Throughout the summer various activities will be set out each day with children of all ages in mind. Teachers are always enthusiastic for our change in curriculum format for the summer. Preparing activity centers for in-depth exploration based on interests rather than ages seems to allow for new creative energy and limitless ideas. We are starting June off with WOOD AND METAL. We will be busy creating sculptures with wood and metal, building with blocks outside and who knows what else! It is always fun to watch and see how doing one thing sparks an idea or suggestion for something else. After we’ve exhausted our interests in wood and metal we will be exploring WEATHER. We will continue to watch and listen to see what other interests children are talking about during play that might guide us on our adventures and explorations this summer. Check the front bulletin board to see what we have planned for our days together. We may take an occasional walk around the block, a walk to Pioneer Elementary School’s playground, or a walk to the rock park 5 blocks East of us on Simpson Street for a morning of outdoor activities. Watch the front door for notes regarding when we might leave the building. We hope you enjoy your summer with us.

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REQUEST: We are collecting scraps and interesting pieces of wood and metal (nuts, bolts, washers, old keys, tin cans – anything of that nature). Watch the front door for additional requests as we continue to plan out our summer activities. Please help us with our supplies and bring us your discards!

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SUNSCREEN – Feel free to apply sunscreen to children before they arrive at school. We have sunscreen and will reapply it throughout the day. If your child needs a specific brand, please send it (labeled with your child’s name) and with a signed note indicating this is your preference. We use Banana Boat #50.

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EXTRA CLOTHING FOR SUMMERTIME Summer sun and hot days mean we will get wet, to stay cool. Please leave a change of clothing for your children in their cubbies. Also, please send a swimsuit to leave at school. Please label your child’s swimsuit in case there are others that have a same or similar style!

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Father’s Day “Breakfast Cafe”

We will have a breakfast cafe set up in the morning during drop-off time for the children to spend some special time with their Dads. We’ll have coffee & Santiago’s breakfast burritos for the Dad’s, and juice, fruit and donut holes for the kids. Come enjoy a special morning with your child(ren) before you head off to your day.

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Tornado Emergency Plans June is typically our stormiest month – and we need to be prepared for any emergency. We have emergency plans posted at the front door. Should there be a tornado watch, where we are asked to seek shelter, we will take the children downstairs to our cellar where we have blankets, flashlights, water and stuffed animals. You might need to have our cell phone numbers in case of such an emergency. They are: Janet – 303-818-4842 Jane – 303-775-1531

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Vacation schedules

Please let staff know, when possible, of times that your child will not be attending. This will help us in our staff scheduling, space availability for our friends from the school year to be able to come spend some time with us this summer, as well as letting children know when their special friends are returning after vacations.

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Thursday/Friday JUNE 18/JUNE 19        Father’s Day Breakfast Cafe: We will have a     “breakfast cafe” during drop-off time with Santiago’s Breakfast Burritos for the Dads

Friday, JULY 3         Closed for Holiday Friday

AUGUST 14              Last day of Summer Session

AUGUST 17 – 21      Friends ‘n Fun closed for cleaning, sprucing, prep and planning for  new school year.

AUGUST 24             Beginning of Fall Session ___________________________________________________________________