July 2016 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We are having such a busy and wonderful Summer!

We started June off with PUPPETS. Our puppet adventures so far have included: THE THREE LITTLE PIGS with STICK PUPPETS; OUTER SPACE with FINGER PUPPET ALIENS AND ASTRONAUTS; and the ZOO with Zoo Animal SOCK PUPPETS. The beautiful scenery for our puppetry performances were collaborative creations. Children worked together to paint planets, stars and solar systems on black fabric. They also created a giant Zoo backdrop using cardboard, oil pastels and paint.

Now we are ready to explore SHADOW PUPPETS. We will be looking at light, darkness and how the combination helps us form shadows. We will be making a variety of shadow puppet theaters as well as a few different styles of puppets.

Exploring different techniques for making puppets, interacting with peers and their puppets, designing backdrops and sets, and formulating stories for puppet performances has kept us very busy!!

We look forward to seeing where the rest of our summer adventures take us.

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Dear Friends’n Fun families,

I have made the tough decision to move back to Northern California to be closer to my family. This was not an easy decision because of all the great children and families that I had a chance to work with this year. My plan is to continue to teach preschool in a Reggio-inspired school in the Bay Area.

I will truly miss each and every one of you. My last day will be Friday, August 5th.


Honor Fairman

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We have enjoyed having Honor with us this past year. The contribution of her thoughts, ideas, and perspective have enriched and enhanced our school community. We wish her all the best in her life and next professional adventure!! Thank you Honor for sharing your kind and gentle spirit and Early Childhood Education professionalism with all of us!!

For those of you who were with us in the 2014-2015 school year, you probably remember Kara Beard who was a part of the FnF teaching team for the previous five years. She has spent the past year teaching in South Korea and will be returning to the states this fall….and to Friends ‘n Fun. We are SO fortunate to have her rejoin us and look forward to being inspired by her international teaching adventure.

Kara will return to FnF the last week in September. A very recent past parent, Kellan’s mom Jamie Parker, will be filling in for the month between the end of Summer session and Kara’s return. Jamie has been involved in the Early Childhood and the Education fields in many capacities and has subbed for us a bit this past school year. We are so grateful that she will be available to help us bridge this gap.

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Friday, August 5th

2:30pm – 3:30pm

at Friends ‘n Fun

As we say goodbye and bid her best wishes!

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Friday AUGUST 19        Last day of Summer Session

                            AUGUST 22 – 26            Friends ‘n Fun closed for cleaning, sprucing,        prep and planning for new school year

AUGUST 29                Beginning of Fall Session